Category: Therapy

Why Should I Hold On?

If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, PLEASE call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). If you’re reading this, you might be contemplating suicide. You might feel as though you’ve completely lost hope. You might feel as though your shame is unforgivable and that you’d be better off dead, the pain of […]

Fear of the Future

One of the major things holding us back in our growth and recovery is our fear. While some of our fears are conscious and obvious to us, many more are under the surface and stored in our subconscious mind. One of the fears we’re not always aware of is our fear of the future. Recovery […]

Confronting Our Trauma

The hardest part of the healing process may be taking the very first step – confronting our trauma. Very often our addictions rely on the denial of our trauma and the avoidance of our pain. We bury our emotions under our addictions to try to escape them. The substances and behaviors we’re dependent upon become […]

Avoiding Toxic People

Recovering from our addictions requires some necessary lifestyle changes to reinforce our goals of sobriety and to keep ourselves on track. There are some elements of our daily lives and our environments that derail our progress and pose a threat to our sobriety. When it comes to our interpersonal relationships, we want to learn to […]