Category: QA

Understanding the Dangers of Gas Station Heroin | Tianeptine Misuse

Understanding the Dangers of Gas Station Heroin | Tianeptine Misuse depressed woman using gas station heroin

Tianeptine, also known as “gas station heroin”, is a substance with alarming opioid-like effects and claims that it improves brain function. This dangerous substance can be easily obtained without a prescription and is readily available at convenience stores. Tianeptine presents serious health risks for those who misuse it. This is often due to its easy […]

6 Tips To Stay Employed While in Addiction Treatment

6 Tips To Stay Employed While in Addiction Treatment 6 Tips To Stay Employed While in Addiction Treatment

Employment plays a crucial role in the recovery process for individuals struggling with addiction. Fortunately, federal laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and workplace policies are in place to protect the rights of employees in recovery and provide accommodations for their treatment journey. Despite these protections though, it can still be challenging […]

Is Baclofen Addictive?

Is Baclofen Addictive? is baclofen addictive?

Baclofen is a medication widely used in the United States, with millions of prescriptions filled each year. It helps people who have muscle stiffness and spasms due to conditions like multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries. Despite its benefits, it’s crucial to use Baclofen carefully. In recent years, there has been a concerning increase in […]

How to Handle The Holiday Season in Recovery

How to Handle The Holiday Season in Recovery How to Handle The Holiday Season in Recovery

The holiday season can be a challenging time for those in recovery. With social gatherings often centered around alcohol and other potential triggers, navigating this festive period requires a strategic approach to maintaining sobriety. This article hopes to explore these challenges and offer tips, support, and guidance for navigating this tricky time of year. The […]

Mixing Paxlovid and Alcohol: Interactions, Side Effects & Risks

Mixing Paxlovid and Alcohol: Interactions, Side Effects & Risks Mixing Paxlovid and Alcohol: Interactions, Side Effects & Risks

Paxlovid has emerged as a key player in the antiviral space, offering a new layer of defense for those affected by the coronavirus and COVID-19. When it comes to mixing this medication with alcohol, however, the waters become murkier. Mixing Paxlovid with alcohol can have adverse effects on the body and may increase the risk […]

Mexican Xanax Bars (Farmapram): Facts, Effects & Risks

Mexican Xanax Bars (Farmapram): Facts, Effects & Risks farmapram dangers

Farmapram is a brand of medication that contains the active ingredient alprazolam, which is a type of benzodiazepine. It is commonly prescribed for the treatment of anxiety disorders and panic attacks. Farmapram works by enhancing the effects of a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain, which helps to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. […]

Can Alcohol Affect Your Menstrual Cycle?

Can Alcohol Affect Your Menstrual Cycle? Can-Alcohol-Affect-Your-Menstrual-Cycle

Many women have experienced changes in their menstrual cycle after consuming alcohol. While moderate alcohol consumption may not have a significant impact, heavy drinking or binge drinking can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones and affect the regularity and symptoms of the menstrual cycle. Alcohol can interfere with the normal functioning of the menstrual cycle […]

Benefits of Equine Therapy for Veterans

Benefits of Equine Therapy for Veterans Benefits of Equine Therapy for Veterans

If you’re a veteran struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance use disorder (SUD), or anxiety you may have heard of equine therapy as a potential treatment option. This type of therapy involves working with horses to promote emotional and mental healing. Equine-assisted therapy has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly for individuals with […]

8 Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse

8 Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse 8 Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription medications are important in healthcare as they help alleviate pain, control symptoms, and improve the quality of life for many. But, as with most tools, when mishandled, they can become potentially harmful. Prescription drug misuse is a significant concern, often overlooked compared to other substance misuse issues. However, through participating in appropriate treatment programs, […]

Getting Help for an Adult Child Addicted to Alcohol and Drugs

Getting Help for an Adult Child Addicted to Alcohol and Drugs Getting Help for an Adult Child Addicted to Alcohol and Drugs

Witnessing an adult child descend into the depths of addiction can be a heart-wrenching journey, and unfortunately, it is one that thousands of families across the United States face each year. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), an estimated 21.6 million people aged 12 or older struggled with a substance […]