Category: QA

The Marchman Act: Guide to Florida’s Law for Involuntary Drug Treatment

The Marchman Act: Guide to Florida’s Law for Involuntary Drug Treatment guide to understanding the marchman act

Florida’s Marchman Act helps those suffering from addiction, or those looking to help a loved one suffering from substance abuse disorder, find proper treatment. This page will answer all of your questions about the Marchman Act and how it can be used to provide a means to voluntary or involuntary treatment. It’s considered one of […]

Do I Have An Addiction? Dependence vs Addiction

Do I Have An Addiction? Dependence vs Addiction Do I Have An Addiction? Dependence vs Addiction

Drug addiction, substance abuse, and physical dependence are significant issues in the healthcare community. Substance use disorder (SUD) is a serious mental health issue that impacts countless individuals and families every year. Even though addiction and dependence are used interchangeably, they are not the same things. What do you need to know about an addictive […]

The Benefits of Sobriety During Dry January

The Benefits of Sobriety During Dry January dry january benefits

As the calendar turns to a new year, we once again find ourselves in the middle of January. You probably have a lot of New Year’s resolutions you want to keep. For some, it is to eat a healthy diet. For others, it might be to exercise regularly. You might even be thinking about staying […]

What Is Cotton Fever? | Causes and Symptoms of Cotton Fever

What Is Cotton Fever? | Causes and Symptoms of Cotton Fever What Is Cotton Fever? Causes and Symptoms of Cotton Fever

Substance abuse comes in many shapes and forms, and there are countless people who are looking for help with drug addiction treatment. This is a disorder that knows no borders, and it can impact anyone at just about any time. For example, some people engage in IV drug abuse, and this is a practice that […]

Can Alcohol Use Lead To Joint Pain?

Can Alcohol Use Lead To Joint Pain? Can Alcohol Use Lead To Joint Pain?

Lots of people are familiar with the risks of drinking alcohol. For example, even moderate drinking, even the occasional glass of wine, could lead to serious problems; however, there are different ways that alcohol abuse could lead to joint pain as well. Alcohol Makes It Harder To Take Care of Yourself If you drink too […]

How To Encourage A Loved One In Rehab During Christmas

How To Encourage A Loved One In Rehab During Christmas How To Encourage A Loved One In Rehab During Christmas

Substance abuse and addiction are disorders that do not care about timing. They can happen to anyone at any time during the year, and there are some people who might be in an residential treatment program during the holidays. Most people want to spend time with their family members and friends, and it can be […]

The Physical And Mental Benefits After One Month of No Alcohol

The Physical And Mental Benefits After One Month of No Alcohol What happens after no alcohol for one month?

Alcohol addiction is something that impacts countless individuals and families all over the world. Even though drinking alcohol is popular at certain social events, alcohol consumption can also have a negative impact on your well-being. The effects of an alcoholic drink on your mental health are still being actively studied, and people who engage in […]

Is Delta-8 Dangerous?

Is Delta-8 Dangerous? delta-8

Google searches for the term “delta-8” grew by more than 850% in the United States between 2020 and 2021 ( While some claim it is the more gentle and “legal” high that offers relaxation and pain relief, recent warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) […]

Narcan: What Is It? How Does it Work?

Narcan: What Is It? How Does it Work? how does narcan work

According to the CDC Injury Center, more than 930,000 people have died from a drug overdose, since 1999. In the United States, 91,977 drug overdose deaths occurred in 2020 alone.  One major driver of these drug overdose deaths is opioids – mainly synthetic opioids other than methadone (82.3% of opioid-involved overdose deaths involved synthetic opioids). […]

What Is Eutylone? Florida Leads Nation in Overdose Deaths

What Is Eutylone? Florida Leads Nation in Overdose Deaths What Is Eutylone

There has been a lot of focus on substance abuse recently, and Florida has been in the news because it leads the country in eutylone deaths. Eutylone is a form of synthetic cathinone, and this designer drug can lead to major impacts, just like amphetamines. While the toxicology of eutylone is still being worked out, […]