How To Encourage A Loved One In Rehab During Christmas

Substance abuse and addiction are disorders that do not care about timing. They can happen to anyone at any time during the year, and there are some people who might be in an residential treatment program during the holidays. Most people want to spend time with their family members and friends, and it can be hard when a loved one is at a treatment facility during the holidays. 

Fortunately, they do not have to miss out on the celebrations entirely. It is critical to focus on their mental health and support, and that means getting the entire family involved. What are a few ways that you can be supportive of your family members if you have a loved one in an inpatient or outpatient recovery program during the holiday season?

4 Ways to Support Your Loved One In Residential Treatment

Visit Your Loved One at the Program During Visiting Hours

If your loved one is unable to go home during Christmas, he or she is probably going to miss out on a variety of festivities. Your family probably enjoys decorating the tree together, unwrapping gifts, and sitting around a warm fire while enjoying a nice meal together. Even though your loved one might not be able to participate in all of these activities, you can visit them during visiting hours.

If you are going to an inpatient rehab program to visit for the first time, make sure you call the program ahead of time. You need to make sure you are on the approved visitor list, and you need to know when you are allowed to visit your loved one.

Keep in mind that the coronavirus pandemic is still a significant problem, particularly in a healthcare setting. There is a chance that there might be additional rules and regulations you need to follow while visiting, so make sure you are prepared ahead of time.

Being there for your loved one during the holiday season is critical. Even just showing up to let them know that you are thinking about them during this time of year can make a significant difference in the recovery process.

Show You Care About Your Loved One By Learning More About the Recovery Process

There is a saying that actions speak louder than words. During the holiday season, love is in the air, and you can show your loved one just how much you love them by participating in family programs. For example, there might be a family support group you can attend, or there might be a family therapy program you can participate in together.

You may even want to sign up for some educational classes about the substance abuse and addiction recovery process. If you prove to your family member that you are supportive of them during this time, you can embrace what the holiday spirit is truly all about. You can also put the family in a better position to support your loved one when he or she leaves the program.

Bring Facility-Approved Gifts You Can Unwrap Together

One of the best parts of Christmas is unwrapping gifts together. Just because your loved one is in an inpatient treatment program doesn’t mean he or she has to miss out on the fun. Call the facility ahead of time and make sure you are allowed to bring Christmas presents. You should also make sure that you don’t unwrap anything that the facility does not allow.

There are plenty of items that most treatment centers will allow, including Riverside Recovery of Tampa. Some of the gift ideas you may want to consider include:

  • A nice Christmas card
  • A book or magazine they might enjoy
  • A box full of their favorite snacks
  • Some movies they might enjoy during their time at the program
  • A radio or speaker that will play their favorite songs for them
  • Some fresh personal hygiene products to make them feel better (see our approved list of what to bring to our facility)
  • Games you might be able to play with your loved one during visiting hours

When you are thinking about items to bring your loved one, ask yourself whether it requires internet access. There are some programs that do not allow their patients to have access to the internet, so you may want to address this with the program ahead of time. If you put together a box of miscellaneous items, don’t forget to clear them with the staff members before you arrive.

Bring Photos To Reminisce

One of the most important parts of the holiday season is reveling in what it means to be a family. One of the best ways to do this is to take a look at old photographs. There is a chance that you might have an old photo album that you want to bring to visiting hours. Then, you can laugh, smile, and look back on some of your favorite memories with your loved ones.

In this album, you may want to include some cards and letters that have been written by members of the family. This will let your loved one know just how much you support him or her and how much you are looking forward to having him or her home again.

Get The Help Your Family Deserves at Riverside Recovery of Tampa

There are a lot of challenges during the recovery process, particularly during the holiday season; however, you do not have to go through this alone. At Riverside Recovery of Tampa, we provide comprehensive, innovative substance abuse and addiction treatment in Florida. We believe it is important to get the entire family involved, particularly during the holiday season. 

Contact our admissions team today to learn more about our program and treatment options.