Mental health and substance abuse is a serious issue that impacts countless people worldwide. One of the most common mental health issues involves substance abuse. The Jellinek Curve illustrates that alcoholism or drug abuse is a progressive disease that can worsen over time if appropriate medical treatment is not received. Designed initially to describe the stages of alcoholism and recovery, the Jellinek curve is now used to describe all forms of addiction.
It can be difficult to determine an active addiction to alcohol and/or drugs in the early stages of addiction. Pioneered by E.M. Jellinek (Elvin Morton Jellinek), this visual model of addiction is a clear way to identify the different stages of addiction.
Learning how addiction progresses and when recovery begins allows individuals to have a better awareness and understanding of the steps needed in order to receive proper treatment, experience meaningful recovery, and prevent relapse.
What Is the Jellinek Curve?
The purpose of the Jellinek Curve is to provide individuals with a science-based approach to understanding addiction and the phases of alcoholism. It is also one of the first tools to use a disease model of addiction to describe the journey through addiction and recovery.
If you are getting ready to go out on a new journey, it is only natural to want to know where the journey is going. Curiosity is a big part of this journey, and it is just as true when you are on the road to addiction recovery. Before you start moving towards sobriety, you probably have a lot of questions. How long is the journey going to take? What sort of expectations should you have? It can be helpful to use the Jellinek Curve to draw a mental image of what to expect as you start the process of substance abuse and addiction treatment.

The objective is to identify progressive stages that people can follow for substance abuse and addiction treatment. There are very specific events and faces that you will go through as you begin the recovery process. The curve was originally published in the Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (later refined by Dr. Max Glatt that detailed recovery and rehabilitation), and it changed how the treatment process was dictated. Now, there are distinct phases that people pass through as they progress through the recovery process. Many organizations, including Alcoholics Anonymous, use the Jellinek Curve to describe the progressive phases of alcohol addiction; however, it can apply to any substance abuse recovery process.
What Are the Individual Phases of Addiction?
Even though many stages are involved in the Jellinek Curve, the recovery process is divided into three separate phases. They include the following:
The Crucial Phase
The first phase is called the crucial phase. This is when addiction begins to plant roots in someone’s mind. People in this phase often start with social drinking. Then, they move to relief drinking or occasional binge drinking, which is when people drink to run away from stress, anxiety, or boredom. As this phase continues to progress, people start to develop guilty feelings. That is where dependence comes from.
As this phase progresses, people develop a complete inability to moderate or restrict their alcohol use. Ultimately, the crucial phase leads to the bottom of the curve, which is where rock bottom happens.
The Chronic Phase
The chronic phase refers to a loop that is positioned at the bottom of the Jellinek Curve. That is where people get trapped in the cyclical nature of addiction. This contributes to obsessive patterns of drug use and drinking. It is not unusual for people in this part of the curve to get addicted to multiple substances. This is where dependence comes from. When someone tries to stop drinking or using drugs, they develop detox and withdrawal symptoms. Then, to break the withdrawal pattern, they start using alcohol or drugs again. That is where the cycle happens.
Even though there are rare situations where someone might be able to quit cold turkey, the overwhelming majority of people who are in this area of the Jellinek Curve require outside help to break the pattern. That is where reaching out to a professional can be helpful. It is critical for individuals who want to improve their mental and physical health. It is also critical for people in this part of the curve to have social support from their family members and friends.
The Rehabilitation Phase
There has to be an honest desire and an honest drive for someone to get better. That is where the rehabilitation phase sets in. This is where the path moves steadily upward, allowing people to clear their minds and recover physically. When people stop drinking and using drugs, New Life patterns begin to emerge, particularly as people can think clearly. It takes a lot of time, effort, and perseverance for someone to break free from the bonds of addiction.
During the recovery process, people can rebuild their self-esteem. It is possible to develop strong connections, and personal relationships with family members, friends, and co-workers begin to heal. The rehabilitation process to a sober life is not easy, and it can take a long time; however, this type of hope is critical for those moving upward on the Jellinek Curve.
Begin Recovery Now
The Jellinek Curve Provides People With Hope for the Recovery Process
There is a saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, and that is definitely true when it comes to the Jellinek Curve. It is an important illustrative tool for the stages of alcoholism and substance abuse. Even people who think they are pre-alcoholic can benefit from this tool, and it shows how even moderate alcohol use can plunge someone down the Jellinek Curve.
The loss of control that comes with obsessive drinking can plunge someone toward rock bottom, but individual and group therapy can help people move up the curve once again. The curve shows how someone in the moderate alcohol or drug use stages can break free from the cycle and start the recovery process. Even though individuals who develop substance abuse and addiction issues can feel like they are in the depths of despair, help is always available.
There are plenty of treatment options and programs available. It can be a vicious cycle that leads to physical dependence, but addiction science, as laid out by the Jellinek Curve, shows that there is a reason for hope. If you or a loved one is looking for help with the addiction recovery process, it is important to reach out and ask for help.
Get Help for Drug or Alcohol Abuse Today
If you are looking for a way to break free from the bonds of addiction, you do not have to go through the process alone. We are here to help you. At Riverside Recovery of Tampa, we provide you with the individualized treatment programs you need to not only get sober but also stay sober.
Sober Living can be challenging when you feel the incessant need to use alcohol and drugs, but we can help you live a sober life.
Contact us today to learn more about alcohol addiction treatment and our additional treatment programs.