Celebrating National Recovery Month 2022: Recovery is for Everyone

While the road to recovery is often compared to a tunnel that individuals must follow until they reach the light on the other side, the road to recovery is often a winding one with paths as unique as those who walk it.

At Riverside Recovery of Tampa, we understand that not everyone takes the same path toward recovery. Nearly 75% of our staff have walked this path ourselves, which gives us a deeper understanding and empathy for those seeking treatment. That is also why we as a team place an increased emphasis on honoring National Recovery Month this month, as well as celebrating recovery EVERY month.

What Is National Recovery Month?

National Recovery Month (Recovery Month, for short) is a time to honor and celebrate the millions of Americans in Recovery from addiction. September is a time each year to celebrate the many people who have been able to live healthy and rewarding lives after recognizing a substance use disorder. In 2020, 40.3 million people aged 12 or older had a substance use disorder. Every year, National Recovery Month will take place throughout the month of September with events scheduled all around America that are designed for those living in recovery and their loved ones.

Originally created in 1989, National Recovery Month is now sponsored by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and Faces & Voices of Recovery.

Recovery Month was certified by presidential proclamation as a national event in 2020 and also this year by President Biden

Recovery Month’s official permanent theme is “Everyone Person. Every Family. Every Community.” This theme highlights Recovery is for Everyone and the many different faces of substance abuse disorders and recovery.

How Can You Celebrate National Recovery Month?

Whether you have already walked the path to recovery or are ready to take those all-important first steps, National Recovery Month is the time for providing praise and encouragement.

Share Your Personal Story

Even something as simple as sharing your own personal story with someone who is struggling might be the motivation they need to seek help for themselves.

Use Social Media

Social media is another way to spread a message of recovery during this month. Share your encouragement, personal success story, treatment resources, and show support by using hashtags like #RecoveryMonth, #Recovery, and #Recoveryin[insert Location] when highlighting community events.

Join a Supportive Community

Become a part of a community that supports recovery from addiction. Consider continuing treatment in a group therapy session or join other groups where you can share your personal experiences and help others with the insights you have gained through the recovery process.

Begin Recovery Now

Riverside Recovery of Tampa understands all of the emotional challenges of addiction recovery and is here to support you or your loved one. Contact us today for more information.

Try Self-Care

It is also important to practice self-care. National Recovery Month is a great time to remember to take care of your own health, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Upload Your Proclamation

Draft a message to your local government officials and representatives encouraging them to sign proclamations in support of Recovery Month. You can upload your own proclamation on the official Recovery Month website. 

How To Be Successful In Recovery

Recovery is a journey, not a destination. It helps to work with medical professionals who have been in similar situations and can provide guidance and tools on the road to recovery. Practicing these new life skills can help you reshape harmful belief systems. Turn unhealthy habits into healthy, life-enriching experiences with skills like:

  • Practicing acceptance
  • Attending to self-care (mental, physical, and spiritual)
  • Getting/Staying involved in a supportive recovery community
  • Attending continuing therapy
  • Learning how Riverside Recovery of Tampa can help you get into recovery and stay on the recovery path


If you or a loved one are considering taking those first steps along the path to recovery, there is no better time to learn more about treatment options and begin recovery than during National Recovery Month. 

Recovery does not end after September for Riverside Recovery of Tampa. Our team is available 7 days a week to provide guidance and assistance regarding the recovery process.  

Contact our admissions team to learn more about National Recovery month, outpatient programs, and our continuum of care. Recovery doesn’t happen overnight but it is possible.


Family Alumni Stories from Our Clients

Federal Register–National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, 2020

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)– National Recovery Month

The White House–A Proclamation on National Recovery Month, 2022