Can Therapy Help Me?

Many of us have associations with therapy that are negative, based on our past experiences or on cultural stereotypes around therapy. We may have had an experience with a therapist that made us hesitant to try therapy again. We might have heard other people discount therapy as being useless and a waste of time and money. Forming a relationship with the right therapist for us can be a powerful healing tool in our recovery.

A trusted therapist can offer us the support we might not be receiving elsewhere in our lives. We might not have people we feel we can confide in, and a therapist can provide us with that very necessary outlet to express difficult emotions. We might have loved ones we feel we can trust but because they are close to us can’t provide objective, unbiased support.

A strong therapy relationship can help us to look at the most painful things we’ve been avoiding thinking about and addressing. Our addictions often develop out of our avoidance of our pain, so having a safe space to really examine our pain can make all the difference in working through our most difficult issues. Therapists have years of professional experience dealing with similar issues, so they often are familiar with what you’re going through. They will not only listen to you but can also offer the wisdom they’ve accumulated from years of helping other people.

We often have blind spots when it comes to ourselves and our own addictions. We can’t always see things clearly when we’re in the middle of them. Therapists can ask the questions that can help us to see things with more clarity. They can help us to access our inner guidance systems. They can help us to practice listening to our instincts and developing faith in our intuition. A good relationship with a therapist can make you feel like you have someone on your team, helping you through your process.

Oftentimes our deepest issues are related to the people in our lives. Our traumas, our wounds and our fears can often have a lot to do with the experiences we had growing up and with our family relationships. Many therapists offer family therapy, which allows us to work with our family members to process our painful issues.

There are many different kinds of therapy, in addition to talk therapy, that can help you. You might benefit from creative arts therapy, pet therapy, sound therapy, and more. There is a world of support and resources out there to help you in your recovery.

Our treatment programs include various forms of therapy and support groups. Call (800) 871-5440 for more information.