How Are Individualized Treatment Plans Helpful?

When we enter treatment, we’re beginning a recovery journey that will be multi-faceted, with multiple different components to help us heal fully and holistically. One of the most helpful elements that many recovery programs offer is individualized treatment plans. With all the different approaches to recovery, not everything is going to work for everyone. Some of us will benefit from supplemental therapies like occupational and recreational therapy. Others of us will get a lot from energy healing and yoga. Each of us has unique and special attributes, strengths, needs, and challenges. Many recovery centers take an individualized approach to designing our treatment plans – how is this helpful?

As recovering addicts, one of the many things we’ve neglected and sacrificed to our addictions is the idea of caring for ourselves, nurturing ourselves, and tending to our needs. We become so disconnected from ourselves, so lost in confusion, and so impaired by addictive substances, that we don’t pay attention to our needs. Much of the time we don’t even know what our needs are. We stop caring for ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. When we work with a recovery team on our treatment plan, we are full participants in designing it and then bringing it to life. We have input on what our recovery program will look like and how we will execute it together, as a team.

Being involved in the recovery process gives us back a sense of autonomy and self-actualization in our recovery and in our lives, when for years we’d given it away to our drugs of choice. We feel more in control, more in the driver’s seat in our recovery process. We get back a lot of the confidence and self-esteem we’d lost. We feel better about ourselves and our sense of self-worth. We’re a part of our recovery, and we’re included in the process, rather than being kept in the dark or being prescribed a plan without getting to contribute.

At the end of the day, we know ourselves best, and our input is important. We are learning how to follow our intuition, and when we’re given a chance to be involved in our recovery, we get to follow our intuition’s guidance on what our needs are and how to best meet them. We’re more likely to succeed when we’re given the option to participate in creating a treatment plan that is unique, individualized, and customized to us and our needs.

Addiction treatment isn’t one-size-fits-all, so at Riverside Recovery, we make sure you get precisely the guidance and support you need at every stage of your recovery process. We work one-on-one with you to create an individualized treatment plan in order to best help you recover. Call (800) 871-5440 today for more information.

Begin Recovery Now

Riverside Recovery of Tampa understands all of the emotional challenges of addiction recovery and is here to support you or your loved one. Contact us today for more information.