Pushing Yourself Out of Your Comfort Zone

When it comes to living with addictions and mental health issues, we can find that our addictive behaviors, relationships and thought patterns become so ingrained within us and so familiar that they, in a way, become comfortable. It can be easier to stay in our comfort zone than to do the difficult work of creating lasting change for ourselves. Pushing ourselves out of that comfort zone can be a huge catalyst for our healing.

It can be really hard to change patterns and habits that you’ve been developing for years. It can feel scary to make such big changes. One way we can help ourselves is by changing our self-talk around these cycles and patterns. We tell ourselves that it’s easier to stay stuck, that we’re not strong enough to make changes for ourselves, that we can’t handle the pressure, stress or overwhelm of implementing those changes. We can start to tell ourselves a new truth – that pushing ourselves to make changes will strengthen us and contribute to us being happier, healthier and more whole. In pushing ourselves, we will be allowing ourselves to grow and expand. We will learn invaluable lessons that help us along our healing journeys.

What are some ways we can push ourselves out of our comfort zone?

Set intentions.

Setting intentions is a powerful way to get clear on what it is you’re working to change. Intention setting can help you to organize and process the goals you’re creating for yourself. If your goal is to find treatment options for recovery, for example, you can set intentions around the process. Writing your intentions can help you to implement them. Here are some examples:

I set the intention to reach out to local resources, therapists and organizations that can help me find treatment.

I set the intention to put time and energy into researching treatment options.

I set the intention to attend a support group this week.

Do something different, totally out of your comfort zone.

If you’ve been isolating yourself, call a friend and make a plan to do something fun.

If you’ve been keeping your pain to yourself, reach out to someone for support.

If you’ve been staying in the house, go for a walk, find a local volunteer opportunity or visit a library.

Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can be difficult, but every step you take helps you to keep taking additional steps. As you keep pushing yourself, you’ll be reminded of your strength, and you’ll find the motivation to keep going and working to improve your wellbeing.

The community at Riverside is here to offer its support. Call (800) 871-5440 for information on how we can help you.