Delray Beach, FL Addiction Rehab Options | Detox, Drug Rehab, Resources

Drug addiction is a concern across the country. In 2019, there were 766 non-fatal opioid cases in Palm Beach County, FL, according to Florida Health. It’s clear that a problem exists in the region. For those who are facing a loved one with addiction or battling it themselves, finding treatment is critical.

There are over 21 drug and alcohol treatment centers around Delray Beach, FL. If you live in this location, consider allowing our team at Riverside Recovery of Tampa to offer you the support you need.

At Riverside Recovery of Tampa, we offer an individualized approach to substance abuse treatment. We provide every level of care–under one roof. From medical detox programs to inpatient and outpatient treatment, we’ll meet you wherever you are on your journey of recovery.

How to Find & Choose Addiction Treatment in Delray Beach, Florida

Help is available through rehabs in Delray Beach, along with other treatment options. If you are in need of support right now, there are several steps you can take to get it. The Florida Department of Health (also called Florida Health) oversees all aspects of health, including mental and substance abuse treatment in the state of Florida, including in Delray Beach.

To find a drug and alcohol rehab center in or near Delray Beach, you have several options to choose from, including:

  • Call the state helpline for immediate help at 850-245-4444 (it is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week)
  • Call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) at 1-800-662-4357.
  • Use the SAMHSA treatment facility locator tool
  • Contact our team of professionals at Riverside Recovery of Tampa for insight and support

These are excellent resources for getting information. Many times, there is more than one treatment center in the area. Before making a decision, be sure to consider a few key important factors about the location. Consider this about each of the rehabs in Delray Beach you have on your list:

  • Is the location accredited? The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) accredits most locations in Florida.
  • Does it offer individualized treatment plans? This ensures you are getting the care that’s right for your specific needs.
  • Does it provide treatment for mental health? Many people with substance abuse also struggle with mental health disorders and need dual diagnosis treatment (or treatment for co-occurring disorders).
  • Does the location offer comprehensive care? This may include care from initial detoxing through aftercare programs?
  • What type of support tools does the location offer? Are there family therapy programs, life skills training opportunities, and resources to help you get back on your feet?
  • Does the location work with your insurer? Most health insurance policies provide coverage for the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction.

Delray Beach Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center Options

With a wide range of recovery options in Delray Beach, you have something here that can provide for most needs. This includes residential and outpatient treatment programs. It’s hard to know where to start or what to look for in these programs. Take a look at some of the types of care available to you.

Drug Detox Programs

A medical detox program is the first step in treatment for those using highly addictive substances such as heroin, cocaine, or alcohol. During the detox process, you’ll have support for withdrawal and cravings. This allows your brain to re-learn how to function without the use of substances.

Residential Treatment Programs

Living at a treatment center for several weeks or longer can provide you with the resources you need to thrive. Here, you’ll have round-the-clock care while also having access to some of the most innovative programs available.

Begin Recovery Now

Riverside Recovery of Tampa understands all of the emotional challenges of addiction recovery and is here to support you or your loved one. Contact us today for more information.

Partial Hospitalization Programs

This type of treatment allows you to live at home while coming in for mental health and substance abuse treatment most days of the week. It’s an intensive program but designed to be highly effective.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

This type of treatment allows for the treatment of both mental health and substance abuse at the same time. For those with depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder, this is critical.

Types of Insurance for Rehab in Delray Beach

Most major health insurance plans, including all available through the Healthcare Marketplace, provide mental health and substance abuse treatment programs. Some of the largest insurance providers that do so in the state include the following:

  • GuideWell
  • Florida Blue
  • Humana 
  • United Health Care
  • And more… 

Delray Beach and Palm Beach Drug and Alcohol Addiction Facts

It’s encouraging to know so much care is available in the area, including throughout Palm Beach County. Here are some facts you should know:

  • In 2018, 531 drug and alcohol-related deaths occurred in the county.
  • That’s a drop of 35% from 2017 when 820 people died from drug or alcohol-involved deaths.
  • In 2018, nearly 400 people died from opioid-related deaths.
  • From 2012 to 2017, the number of opioid-related deaths rose by 452%.

Addiction Treatment at Riverside Recovery of Tampa

You’re not alone in this journey to getting help for drug and alcohol addiction. For those in Delray Beach, Riverside Recovery of Tampa can provide exceptional support. We offer a wide range of treatment options, including medical detox, residential treatment, partial hospitalization, and outpatient care. In addition to this, we offer dual diagnosis and all of the tools you need to turn the page on your addiction.

Delray Beach, Florida Addiction Treatment Rehab FAQ

How do I get into an addiction treatment center in Delray Beach?

It’s always essential to act quickly. Our team encourages you to contact us today for immediate help. You can also call 211 to reach the 211 Helpline and Resource for supportive services. You can also find support through the City of Delray Beach’s Emotional, Spiritual, Mental Health options available online.

What should you expect from addiction treatment in Delray Beach?

With a wide range of substance abuse treatment options available, you can expect a warm, respectful level of support and care from any treatment center you contact. With a range of support to help you with emergent needs as well as aftercare needs, you can get the support necessary to live a healthy life free from addiction.

How Far Is Riverside Recovery of Tampa From Delray Beach, FL?

Riverside Recovery of Tampa is located 3 hours and 30 minutes (224 miles) from Delray Beach, Florida.

Begin Recovery

Whether you’re seeking treatment for yourself, a loved one or as a referring physician, we are always available to answer your questions and help connect you with the resources you need.