Resource Center

While there are some common themes in addiction and recovery that many of us can relate to, we are unique …

Even though addiction is a common phenomenon in our society, affecting so many of us and our families and communities, …

Because addiction is such a devastating and debilitating illness, we tend to think of recovery as a very serious undertaking. …

Many of us living with addiction were genetically predisposed to it. We were raised in families where addiction ran rampant. …

Because our difficult emotions are so hard to handle, we would think we wouldn’t want to stay so closely attached …

When we’re in recovery, our emotional journey with addiction is far from over. We’ve started doing the emotional work we …

Think back to your childhood. Do you remember displaying any worrisome signs such as experimenting with drugs and then finding …

When we’ve experienced burnout, total exhaustion and a dangerous decline in our overall health, it is so important that we …

Our daily lives and the habits we develop can play a role in our addictions because mentally, emotionally and physically …

   & Answers

Some Popular Questions from our Q&A Resources

In This Article: Gabapentin is safe to use as directed, but it can cause several mild to severe side effects Combining alcohol and gabapentin can increase the severity of certain side effects of both, such as drowsiness If you take gabapent…

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Many of us have a tendency to form unhealthy attachments to our emotions, and among the feelings we commonly become unhealthily attached to are our guilt, shame and self-blame. We instinctively blame ourselves for things that aren’t our fault. We …

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When we are working towards recovery, it is often after years of suffering with addictions, depression and other mental health issues. Oftentimes we’ve been struggling so long we feel fed up. We want to feel better as quickly as possible, which is…

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If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, PLEASE call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). When we use the term “rock bottom,” we’re referring to that point we reach in our addiction where we simply can’t go any …

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Rhinophyma is the medical term for “ alcoholic nose”, or “drinker’s nose.” This is a skin disorder commonly identified by a red, misshapen, bumpy nose. Due to the symptoms of rhinophyma, people often believed this condition was caused by alcoholism…

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Fear has a way of overtaking us and making such an impact on our lives that we feel there’s nothing we can do anything about it. Our fears contribute to our mental health issues such as our depression and anxiety, and they become these invisible…

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When we experience something traumatic, we are usually deeply impacted by it, and sometimes there is considerable damage done to our mental, emotional and physical health. Over time, we can become desensitized to trauma in various ways. We start…

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The belief systems we carry with us into adulthood are often formed during our childhoods. We inherit them from our families. We develop them on our own from our own experiences and unique perspectives. We adopt other people’s beliefs as our own…
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