
Coventry Coverage for Addiction Treatment

Coventry Approved Rehab

Disclaimer: Please note that strives to provide the most up to date information, but errors and policy changes do occur. Please confirm your level of coverage with your insurance provider directly. Coventry Health Care is an Aetna company, providing quality health coverage to millions of Americans. Like Aetna, Coventry offers drug and alcohol rehab treatment. Depending on your policy and location, coverage can vary from inclusive to partial. Obtaining the professional care you need is priority and Coventry can help get you on the road to a better, healthier life, free from addiction.

Does Coventry cover Drug Detox and Rehab?

Coventry does cover alcohol and drug addiction treatment. Detox treatment may be separate from rehab, depending on what facility you choose to enter. The detoxification process is vital and should always be followed up by inpatient or outpatient therapy. To secure your coverage for detox and rehab, verify directly with Coventry or through our insurance verification form below.

What length of treatment will Coventry cover?

This is a vital question when deciding what treatment plan is right for you, but should not deter you from seeking the proper amount of treatment that you need. The length of time spent in recovery often correlates to higher success rates. Those who spend longer (over 90 days) in treatment usually have a stronger chance of maintaining sobriety. Depending on your policy, Coventry may pay up to 30 days of inpatient care, but check with your policy benefits to ensure your next step.
“Taking an individualized approach is essential, not everyone will require the same amount of time.”

Coventry Coverage of Speciality Treatment Programs

Everyone has their own set of needs. Entering into a rehab program requires a huge commitment of time and resources. For some, sacrificing professional life is not an option, for that reason many facilities have developed programs geared toward the working professional and their specific needs. Each individual has a backstory and underlying reasons why they are seeking help for their addiction. Coventry recognizes this, and support the decision to enter into the program and facility that is right for you.

Coventry coverage for Inpatient and Outpatient treatment

Inpatient and outpatient coverage will vary depending on your level of care needed. For instance, intensive inpatient treatment could need pre-approval, or outpatient treatment may not be covered fully. Quality of care is paramount and determining the type of drug or alcohol treatment you need alongside your health care professional is the next step.

What if Coventry does not cover all of my treatment?

The rehab community is aware that paying for treatment is often difficult. If your current Coventry plan does not cover all of your treatment, don’t panic. Many rehabs have payment options that work outside your insurance provider. Riverside Recovery offers a private pay option. What if you don’t want to use your insurance? Well, we can help there as well. Simply contact our admissions department at 1 (833) 875-7701 or email us at [email protected] and we can discuss your private pay options.

Verify Your Coventry Plan With Our Professionals

Find out more about what your Coventry plan covers, and get on the road to recovery today. Riverside Recovery is available to help you at any time of day. We are here to answer your questions and get your life back on track. Contact us today, it’s the first step in the right direction.

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