Accepting Our Flaws

When it comes to healing from our addictions and mental health issues, we are recovering from many different things, including the negative, self-hating perspectives we have of ourselves. To really love ourselves and heal, we have to learn to accept our flaws and weaknesses. This is one of the hardest things for us to do, in part because we’ve been conditioned to criticize and judge ourselves. We reject the imperfect parts of ourselves, so much so that we forget how truly great we actually are.

Accepting our flaws asks that we have radical, unconditional self-acceptance. This takes time and practice. “I accept myself the way I am. I am perfect the way I am. Judgment, competition and comparison are illusions. I love, accept and respect myself unconditionally.”

When we have a hard time accepting our flaws, it is often because we have spent most of our lives being hyper-critical of everything we’ve ever done wrong, every embarrassing thing we’ve ever said, every aspect of ourselves that we can pick out and identify as being less than perfect. Changing our mental habits means changing our overall mentality. We have to switch focus. We have to learn how to direct our energy in positive, self-loving ways. Instead of on our perceived imperfections, let’s focus on our strengths, our goals, our aspirations. Let’s make lists of our accomplishments, evidence of our talents and gifts, things we’re proud of ourselves for. When you immerse yourself in self-love and encouragement, you might find yourself caring less and less about the flaws you once fixated on.

We can practice seeing ourselves with more love and compassion, the way our loved ones see us, the way our higher power sees us. We don’t have to prove ourselves in any way. We don’t have to prove our worthiness. We can just love ourselves and let ourselves be free to be who we are. Instead of seeing ourselves as lists of characteristics, some good, some bad, we can start to view ourselves more holistically – as spiritual beings with complex thoughts, emotions and experiences. Wrap your whole being in love and light, and watch your harsh self-criticism start to melt away.

Ridding ourselves of our self-destructive patterns, toxic thought patterns and addictive behaviors means learning to love and accept ourselves unconditionally – including our flaws, not despite them. They are a part of who we are, and the more we embrace them, the more they add to our growth, learning, expansion and strength.

A lot comes up in the recovery process. We’re here to help through all of it. Call (800) 871-5440.